Meet the founder

David Steynberg is a serial entrepreneur who has been involved in the South African real estate market for more than 10 years.

He started his career in media before moving into copywriting and marketing, combining these skills to create full-stack solutions for real estate professionals and agency owners alike.

david steynberg family photo

My Story: from retrenchment to success

My dining room table…

I was retrenched just as Covid lockdown bit…

Facing uncertainty and the prospect of homelessness and not being able to put food on the table (yup, this table) for my family, I started a small business from this table with a single client.

The business was simple… Give real estate agents a simple but effective lead generation and management solution.

With no capital or investment, but with a small list of estate agents, I began doing what I really love: writing copy, emails and creating landing pages for real estate professionals.

One client turned into two and so the story of Property Funnels began…

Screaming early mornings working at this table with 3 children running around me I buckled down and put in the effort of my life to make it work…

More clients meant I could invest in better systems and build my vision: a Real Estate Marketing CRM with an unbeatable tech stack and Copywriter-grade content to really help estate agents and professionals do what they really want to do (get appointments and meet people) while being supported by purpose designed long term campaigns and marketing assets to keep their sales funnels full.

Today I am proud to say I only use this dining room table for meals (my kids still create art on it🎨) and we have been fortunate enough to be a position where we have moved into a bigger home with more space to grow further (and where I can work from a designated space💪

But every time I sit down with my little family and share a meal around this table, I give a small word of thanks and gratitude for the opportunity to do what I want to do and to be of better service to other risk-taking entrepreneurs who work from their own dining room tables.💙

What is property funnels?

The best way to describe what Property Funnels is, is to tell a story:

Imagine you’re the best real estate agent in your farming area. You have a heart of gold and you really give a damn about your clients.

But you have a problem: the market seems impenetrable and you feel invisible in a sea of real estate agents competing for the same market.

You already do the things they do: cold calling for 3 hours a day, door knocking, dropping flyers…

But it just feels like a lot of work with very little traction and reward.

You see some agents doing Facebook and Instagram ads, Reels and Stories…

But you feel too scared to spend your money on Facebook Ads!

What if it doesn’t work?

What if you lose the little money you have because you don’t really understand how the platforms work?

But you’re determined to try something else; something different. Because if you don’t, you’ll have to get a day job!

So you turn to Google and start searching for ways to generate leads online.

As luck would have it, you find a website called Property Funnels.

It’s South African, has features like a built-in CRM, Unified Conversation Management, Calendar Integration, a Social Media Content Planner, Landing Page and Form Builder.

It’s also has something that piques your interest: Facebook and Google Ads Launcher with Facebook and Google Ads templates, as well as Bulk Whatsapp capabilities!

It feels like you’ve finally found the missing link in your search for answers.

The best part? It’s not thousands of rands, either!

So you sign up, and after a few days in the onboarding call with David Steynberg, you launch a Facebook ad straight from the CRM…in less than 1 minute!

A few hours later you get a notification that Facebook has approved your ad, and some time later you get the email that confirms you made the right decision: a new lead complete with their name, email, phone and address of the property they are interested in selling!

And it doesn’t stop there.

A few hours later, you get your second lead, your third lead…

When you wake up the next morning you have a handful more!

This is the story we see each day at Property Funnels. New agents with zero database or older agents who are too nervous to navigate the world of online advertising filling their pipeline with fresh leads in their first week.

The fact is this: these are not “bad” estate agents. They are hungry to win and their hearts are fully committed to doing the right thing by their clients.

But they lack one crucial component in their personal marketing efforts: attention.

At Property Funnels we help real estate agents get the attention of their perfect clients (using Facebook, Instagram and Google Ads, email, and Whatsapp broadcasts), pushing those leads into their CRM where they can be securely stored and have readymade autoresponders to answer each lead the moment they opt in).

A simple autoreply does wonders for any business…and real estate is no exception.

It helps to prevent the lead from going cold or moving on to the next agent, and it buys the agent time to get back to the lead in person.

Our Goal

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We Don't Follow Trends We Create It!

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