Our Services and unbeatable add-ons

Besides our all-in-one real estate marketing CRM, we have a lot of other features designed to help you market and sell better.

Bulk Whatsapp

Reach more of your database with our Bulk Whatsapp capabilities

Facebook Ads Launcher

Launch successful Facebook Ads in just 3 click (or 45 seconds)

Google Ads Launcher

Launch Google Ads in 31 seconds

Viral Agent

Share your listings, sales and news to our distribution list of 1000+ real estate and news websites



Launch High Converting Facebook and Google Ads in 45 seconds straight from your Property Funnels CRM.

Ads to attract sellers, buyers, landlords, tenants, auctions and new developments

True two-way chat. Ask for more information or chat in real time

Sales Management

Show your seller exactly what you are doing for their property, or follow the journey of your leads

Connect your personal Whatsapp number to enjoy true two-way conversations with your leads, or automate responses using the Property Funnels automations

Email Automation

Set and forget.

Build long term nurture campaigns to ensure you ALWAYS stay top of mind

Post automatically to Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok and Google Business Profile

Reputation Management

Why be a best-kept secret?

Automate review requests after an appointment, key handover or successful placement - the floor is yours

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